Welcome to the Code Red Robotics Family of Teams
“Building Robots to Build Better People!”
Serving Our Community & Byron Center Public Schools
Team 2771 – Code Red Robotics
The Stray Dogs
Robotics for high school students.
Team 5383 – Neutrinos – Breaking the Laws of Physics
Team 5384 – Emergency Situation – Evacuate NOW!!
Robotics for 7th and 8th
grade middle school students.
Team NRG – Next Robotics Generation!
Robotics for 4th – 6th grade
elementary school students.
Robotics for 2nd – 4th grade
elementary school students.
Introducing the FIRST 2024-2025 Season:
The ocean is more than what you can see on the horizon. Beneath the surface lies our planet’s most complex ecosystems, full of life and potential for exploration and learning, where each inhabitant has a role to play in building a thriving environment.
During the 2024-2025 FIRST season, FIRST® DIVE℠ presented by Qualcomm, teams will use their STEM and collaboration skills to explore life beneath the surface of the ocean. Along the way, we’ll uncover the potential in each of us to strengthen our community and innovate for a better world with healthy oceans. Join us as we explore the future.
About Code Red Robotics
Code Red Robotics is a FIRST Robotics family of teams based in West Michigan. Our mission is to shape students into problem solvers, innovators, and self-starters by competing in the FIRST Robotics Competitions. We build robots to build better people!
Our teams are:
- Code Red Robotics/Stray Dogs FRC Team 2771
- Neutrinos/Breaking the Laws of Physics FTC Team 5383
- Emergency Situation/Evacuate NOW! FTC Team 5384
- NRG/Next Robotics Generation
- FLL Explore: Ten teams
Code Red Robotics is a community-based team, meaning we welcome students from all schools. Our team currently comes from four different schools including home school. We are partnered with Byron Center Public Schools as the “home team” for robotics in the district. While we are home team for Byron Center students, Code Red wants to extend the opportunity to participate in robotics to students in the community. If you’re at a school without a robotics program, consider joining a Code Red team. For more information, email info@coderedrobotics.com, or visit our contact page. We’d love to hear from you!
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