Code Red’s 2016 Safety Animation!

Code Red presents our 2016 Safety Animation entry!

The tale of a knight who thought safety was of the utmost importance.


Code Red Robotics Builds an Off-road Wheelchair for a Local Young Man


Code Red Robotics, a Grand Rapids, Michigan based non-profit, today announced it has provided an area young man with a wheelchair that gives him the ability to explore the world beyond the sidewalk. Code Red partnered with Ariens Company of Brillion Wisconsin, Professional Metal Fabrication of Grand Rapids Michigan and Rays of Hope International of Grand Rapids Michigan to design and build an all-terrain wheelchair.

“One of our core values at Code Red is giving back to the community and making sure our activities help make a difference in the world today,” explains Ken Orzechowski, head coach of Code Red Robotics. “Technology is really only valuable if it helps people, and we can see this project changing the world for a young man who has been wheelchair bound for most of his life.

Code Red students have designed, manufactured and programmed a refurbished wheelchair base to give the occupant the ability to explore the world around him. Until now Nevin was unable to explore even his own backyard, and with this modified wheelchair, his world has just grown.

“We first got involved with this project when our elementary program was exploring how people learn as a research project this past fall,” explains Casey Dubois, Code Red coach and mentor. “We approached our high school team, and we saw the light go on with the kids. They work with very similar devices for their robotics competitions, so we thought, ‘Why not?’ After all, the Code Red motto is Building Robots to Build Better People. The high school team loves this project and giving back this way.”

Code Red Robotics is an- all volunteer 501c3 in Grand Rapids, and a leader in educational robotics and in supporting FIRST Robotics teams all over Michigan. Our mission is to shape students into problem solvers, innovators, and servant-leaders by competing in the FIRST Robotics Competitions. We build robots to build better people.

Our high school level is a community team representing 13 different high schools sponsored by Grand River Preparatory High School, but we do have room for students from other area high schools. Code Red wants to extend the opportunity to participate in robotics to students in the community. If you’re at a school without a robotics program, consider joining Code Red, Team 2771. Our elementary and middle school program is a community comprising students from all over West Michigan.

Please contact:
Ken Orzechowski

Code Red Robotics Joins e-NABLE, Builds Prosthetic Hands for Underprivileged Youth

GRAND RAPIDS, MI – 3/11/15

Code Red Robotics, a Grand Rapids, MI based 501c3, today announced it has joined the e-NABLE community and will begin the manufacture and assembly of 3D printed prosthetic hands to be donated free of charge to wounded warriors and youths in need.

The mechanical hands, designed and built by e-NABLE volunteers, help return a sense of wholeness to wounded warriors and under served children injured in accidents or born missing a hand. Hands are shipped to countries all over the world.

“One of our core values at Code Red is giving back to the community and making sure our activities help make a difference in the world today,” explains Ken Orzechowski, head coach of Code Red Robotics. “Technology is really only valuable if it helps people, and we’ve seen this project change lives. The fit with the e-NABLE group is perfect for Code Red”

Code Red students will print and assemble hands for shipment to eager recipients around the world. Hands will be printed on one of the team’s 3D printers, normally used for printing competition robotics components.

“We first got involved with e-NABLE in 2014 but it was only a peripheral involvement,” explains David Wordhouse, Code Red coach and mentor. “But we saw the light go off with the kids. They got it. Putting those hands together, they could see how having access to one of these amazing hands would absolutely change someone’s life forever. They love this project and giving back this way. We’re excited to participate in the e-NABLE project.

Code Red Robotics, an all-volunteer 501c3 and a leader in educational robotics in West Michigan supporting FIRST Robotics teams based in West Michigan. Our mission is to shape students into problem solvers, innovators, and self-starters by competing in the FIRST Robotics Competitions. We build robots to build better people.

Our high school level is a community team representing 13 different high schools sponsored by Grand River Preparatory High School, but we do have room for students from other area high schools. Code Red wants to extend the opportunity to participate in robotics to students in the community. If you’re at a school without a robotics program, consider joining Code Red, Team 2771. Our elementary and middle school program is a community comprising students from all over West Michigan

e-NABLE is a a world wide movement of tinkerers, engineers, 3D print enthusiasts, occupational therapists, university professors, designers, parents, families, artists, students, teachers and people who just want to make a difference. They design and build 3D printed prosthetic hands for under served youth all over the world and have delivered over 1000 hands to date. For more information visit

For more information contact:
Code Red Robotics
Ken Orzechowski, Head Coach

The 2015 FIRST Robotics Competition Game! RECYCLE RUSH

Recycle RushRecycle Rush Field

RECYCLE RUSH is a recycling-themed game played by two Alliances of three robots each. Robots score points by stacking totes on scoring platforms, capping those stacks with recycling containers, and properly disposing of pool noodles, representing litter. In keeping with the recycling theme of the game, all game pieces used are reusable or recyclable by teams in their home locations or by FIRST at the end of the season.  Read more about the game here.

Ready for Kickoff 2015!!


Code Red is at the GVSU Eberhard Center for the 2105 FRC Kickoff.