To give elementary students the experience of robotics while at the same time giving FRC students the opportunities to practice leadership, teamwork and problem solving, Code Red designed its own elementary program called Next Robotics Generation, or NRG. The program is for 4th-6th grade students. Each student assembles his/her own Arduino robot with the help of a parent or other family member. The high school students run this program with the adult mentors offering assistance where needed. They create a new game each year then create a game animation and write a game manual. During the season, FRC students assist NRG students in robot troubleshooting, and they help the students as they design and assemble modifications to the robots that help them play the game effectively. At the end of the six week season, FRC students run a tournament, where NRG students play qualification matches. From there, the top qualifiers compete in a final tournament. At the end of the day, awards are given to the winners and exceptional robots.